I always like to read good writing no matter what the subject is, so I'm enjoying reading your blog, although I have never worked in industry. I do self-publish books and I know you wrote a book yourself though it was published through Ignatius. I'd really be interested in an article about pricing in the book industry.
Thanks! I'm glad to hear that the blog is enjoyable to read even when it's not directly relevant to someone's job. There's a legal podcast I follow for similar reasons, even though it's quite alien to my daily work.
This is the second time someone has asked me to write about book pricing, and I do have some thoughts! I'll see about doing a post soon.
I always like to read good writing no matter what the subject is, so I'm enjoying reading your blog, although I have never worked in industry. I do self-publish books and I know you wrote a book yourself though it was published through Ignatius. I'd really be interested in an article about pricing in the book industry.
Thanks! I'm glad to hear that the blog is enjoyable to read even when it's not directly relevant to someone's job. There's a legal podcast I follow for similar reasons, even though it's quite alien to my daily work.
This is the second time someone has asked me to write about book pricing, and I do have some thoughts! I'll see about doing a post soon.